@article{oai:fit.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000777, author = {上寺, 康司}, issue = {1}, journal = {福岡工業大学研究論集}, month = {Sep}, note = {A love of education and a sense of mission for education, which are inextricably linked, are, of course, immutable human qualities required of teachers in any age. In addition, a love of education and a sense of mission for education are the source of a strong and flexible mentality that is solid and unshakable, needed teachers in today’s uncertain and difficult times. This article, as a guide to teachre’s recognition, acquisition, and embodiment of Article 9, Paragraph 1 of the Fundamental Law of Education, discusses a love of education and a sense of mission for education in the famous educational philosophies of three people, i.e, Morohashi Tetuji, Obara Kuniyoshi, and Sumeragi Shido., 論文(Article)}, pages = {19--35}, title = {諸橋轍次・小原國芳・皇至道の教育思想にみる教育愛と使命感 〜教師による教育基本法第9条第1項の体認・体得・体現への手がかりとして〜}, volume = {55}, year = {2022} }