@article{oai:fit.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000682, author = {田中, 秀司 and 北川, 興}, issue = {1}, journal = {福岡工業大学研究論集, RESEARCH BULLETIN OF FUKUOKA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY}, month = {Oct}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), From deep level transient spectroscopy and Hall effect, it is shown that iron in Czochralski (CZ) n-type silicon can also be electrically ionized. In the in-diffusion process, the results suggest that the observed defects are intermediate states in iron-related complex formation process produced by a consecutive defect reaction. It is concluded that negatively charged and positively charged iron states coexist in CZ-grown n-type silicon as well as in floating zone (FZ)-grown n-type silicon.}, pages = {51--57}, title = {FZおよびCZ成長n形シリコンにおける鉄関連欠陥の導入特性}, volume = {30}, year = {1997} }