@article{oai:fit.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000535, author = {松原, 裕之}, journal = {福岡工業大学総合研究機構研究所所報}, month = {Apr}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), This IoT faucet including sensor nodes has been developed to monitor the usage of the indoor faucets. The usage logs of the IoT faucets in kitchens and bathrooms can be used to determine if residents are safe. As the IoT faucet is an indirect activity monitoring system, the advantage is that the effort of both the watcher and the watched person is reduced. This paper is a preliminary discussion of our efforts through trial and error to install the IoT faucets as part of an activity monitoring system. As an experimental result, the usage of the IoT faucet was detected and the activity could be estimated under the condition that the difference between the room temperature and the water temperature of the IoT faucet was more than 0.6 degrees Celsius.}, pages = {85--89}, title = {水栓のIoT化による活動見守りシステムの基礎検討}, volume = {2}, year = {2020} }