@article{oai:fit.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000348, author = {宗正, 佳啓}, issue = {2}, journal = {福岡工業大学研究論集}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), This paper is concerned with extraction from wh-island, adjunct island,subject island,and wh-movement from noun phrase. In wh-island and adjunct island, SPEC-CP of a sentence is occupied by a wh-phrase or a conjunction. If wh-phrase moves over the SPEC-CP, it yields an Minimal Link Condition or a Phase Impenetrability Condition violation, which causes island effect. In subject island, the SPEC-CP of a subject is occupied by an null operator, which hinders extraction of a wh-phrase from subjects. In wh-movement from noun phrases, a noun phrase projects up to CP as a phase. When a finite clause is presupposed, the clause bears a factive operator as in the analysis of Melvold (1991). The operator blocks wh-movement of an element the clause because it yields an intervention effect. When a noun phrase is presupposed, it also bears an operator as in the case of factive clause. The operator occurs in the SPEC-CP of the noun phrase and blocks wh-movement from the noun phrase. If a noun phrase is not presupposed, an operator does not appear in the SPEC-CP of the noun phrase, which does not block wh-movement from the noun phrase.}, pages = {63--71}, title = {指定部の演算子について}, volume = {48}, year = {2016} }