@article{oai:fit.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000308, author = {上寺, 康司}, issue = {2}, journal = {福岡工業大学研究論集}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), Human daily life unfolds by interaction with ones own environment. There are natural environments, cultural environments, and an environment closely related to the social environment of ones daily life. Therefore, it is necessary to make substantial interactions with this social environment, and in such manner the human being is able to live a substancial life. In this article,the auther considers how to make the environment of a heart for the human being,in order to live a substantial life through interactions with the socialenvironment. Author focuses in particular on the Genshishiroku(言志四録), written by Issai Sato(佐藤一斎), a symbol of the Confucianism in the Edo period.}, pages = {277--283}, title = {充実した生活のための心の環境づくり : 佐藤一斎の『言志四録』を主要なてがかりとして}, volume = {40}, year = {2008} }